Return to Overview
- 'For He Was One of Us': Friedrich Schiller, the Poet of America,
by Gabriele Chaitkin. Published in The American Almanac, October, 1996.
- Leave this site for: Schiller's History
of the Thirty Years' War, at Project Gutenberg.
- Links to articles on Schiller -- including a link to the Schiller
Institute page in Germany; Schiller's poems and some plays in German, with some English translations;
The Ode to Joy; biography; Schiller's poems put to music.
- Friedrich Schiller, Poet of Freedom, Volumes 1, 2 and 3,
Available from Books and Subscriptions.
Return to Overview Page
Return to Overview
Nicolaus of Cusa's "On The Vision Of God," and the Concept
of Negentropy, by William F. Wertz, Address to the Schiller Institute Labor Day Conference,
September 5, 1993, The American Almanac, October, 1993.
- Available from Books and Subscriptions, Towards a New Council
Of Florence, "On The Peace Of The Faith", and Other Works by Nicholas of Cusa,
translated by William F. Wertz.
- Confucianism and Imago Viva Dei, by Michael O. Billington,
Address to the Schiller Institute Labor Day Conference, September 5, 1993, printed in The
American Almanac, October 4, 1993.
Toward The Ecumenical Unity of East and West: The Renaissance of
Confucian China and Christian Europe, by Michael O. Billington, Fidelio Magazine, Vol.
II, No. 2, Summer, 1993.
It Is The Poets Who Shape History-- The Internal Crisis of Modern
European Culture: The Renaissance vs. The Enlightenment, Conference Speech, Helga Zepp-
LaRouche, The American Almanac, March 24, 1997.
- The Council of Florence
Return to Overview
Return to Overview
Return to Overview
Return to Overview
The Venetian Conspiracy, by Webster Tarpley, The
Campaigner, September, 1981.
The Role of the Venetian Oligarchy in the Reformation, Counter-Reformation,
Enlightenment, and Thirty Years' War, by Webster Tarpley:
- Preface by Lyndon LaRouche, The American
Almanac, March 22, 1993.
- Part I, The American
Almanac, March 22, 1993.
Part II, The American
Almanac, April 5, 1993, 1993.
Part III, The American
Almanac, April 12, 1993.
Venice: The Methodology of Evil, by Donald Phau:
- Part I, The
American Almanac, May 16, 1994.
Part II, The
American Almanac, May 23, 1994.
650 Years Ago: How Venice Rigged The First, and Worst, Global Financial
Collapse, , by Paul Gallagher, The American Almanac, September 4, 1995.
- Leave This Web Site for following
Return to Overview
Venice: The Methodology of Evil, Part III-- The Case of Henry VIII, by
Christina N. Huth, The American Almanac, June 13, 1994.
How the Venetians Took Over England and Created Freemasonry, by
Gerald Rose, The American Almanac, November 29, 1993.
Leave this site for: How The Venetian System Was Transplanted Into
England, by Webster Tarpley, The American Almanac, June 3, 1996.
- Palmerston's Zoo: Speeches at the 1994 Schiller Institute Conference:
- Palmerston's London During the 1850s: A Tour of The Human,
Zoo, by Webster Tarpley, The Executive Intelligence Review, April 15, 1994.
The Venetian Takeover of England: A 200-Year Project, by Gerald
Rose, The Executive Intelligence Review, April 15, 1994.
How The Venetian Virus Infected and Took Over England, by H.
Graham Lowry, The Executive Intelligence Review, April 15, 1994.
The Bestial British Intelligence of Sheburne and Bentham, by Jeffrey
Steinberg, The Executive Intelligence Review, April 15, 1994.
How The Dead Souls of Venice Corrupted Science, by Webster
Tarpley, Conference Speech at Schiller Institute Conference, September, 1995, The American
Almanac, January, 1996.
Giammaria Ortes and the Venetian Hoax of "Carrying
Capacity", by Webster Tarpley, American Almanac, June 20, 1994.
Return to Overview
How The Dead Souls of Venice Corrupted Science, by Webster
Tarpley, Conference Speech given September 4, 1995
The American Almanac, January, 1996.
- Leibniz, Papin and the Steam Engine: A Study of British Sabotage of
Science, by Philip Valenti, American Almanac, 1996; first version published in
Fusion Magazine, December, 1979.
The Enlightenment's Crusade Against Reason, by Linda de Hoyos,
The American Almanac, February 8, 1993.
Return to Overview
- 150th Anniversary of Genocide: How British Free Trade Starved Millions in
Ireland's Potato Famine, by Paul Gallagher, American Almanac, May 29,
The Chinese Opium Wars: The Queen of England Pushes Dope, by
Robert Trout, American Almanac, July, 1997.
The Taiping Rebellion: The International Diplomacy Of The Confederacy,
by Michael O. Billington, The American Almanac, June 14, 1993.
Why Adam Smith Is Worse Than Karl Marx, by Lyndon LaRouche,
The American Almanac, March 27, 1995.
Russia's Liberal
Reforms: Anatomy of a Catastrophe, EIR Article by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., February
7, 1997. Text of article available by leaving this Website for the
EIR web page.
- Sergei Glazyev: "From A 5-Year Plan of Destruction to a 5-Year
Plan of Colonization", speech for Bonn Conference "On A New Bretton Woods
System", November 6, 1997.
Michael Novak,
Calvinist? -- Not By The Market Place Alone!, EIR Article by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., July
5, 1997. Published in The American Almanac. Text available by
leaving this Website for the
EIR web page.
- The Challenges and Opportunities We Face, by Dr. Mahathir Bin
Mohamad, speech to the Annual Meeting of the World Bank in Hongkong, China, on September 20,
1997, The Executive Intelligence Review, October 3, 1997.
- Leave this site for: Links to Charles Dickens' Attacks on Free Trade, Malthus, Bentham, and Adam
Return to Overview
Free Trade, the Confederacy, and The Political Economy of Slavery,
by Fredric W. Henderson, The American Almanac, November 11, 1991.
Time To Bury The Dead Culture of The Confederacy, by Frederic W.
Henderson, The Executive Intelligence Review, August 28, 1992.
Reconstruction: The Civil War Battle Yet To Be Won, by Fredric W.
Henderson, The Executive Intelligence Review, December 4, 1992.
D. W. Griffith and the Making of "The Birth of a Nation": How
The Confederacy Revived the KKK and Created Hollywood, by Mark Calney, The American
Almanac, November, 1992.
- Leave this site for articles on Albert Pike, available at EText, in text
format: Why Albert Pike's Statue Must Fall:
the Scottish Rite's KKK
Project, by Anton Chaitkin, The American Almanac, September 21, 1992.
- Albert Pike and
- From the Civil War to C. Fred Kleinknecht, Conference Speech by Lyndon LaRouche, March 20,
"Principalities and Powers",
of TV Broadcast by Lyndon LaRouche, October, 1992.
See Entries Under Lincoln, and Frederick
Douglass, and subsequent entries in American System Section Below.
Return to Overview
Books available, as listed in Books and Publications: The Political
Economy of the American Revolution; The Civil War and the
American System
The Roots of the American System: From Cameralism to the American
System of Economics, by Nancy Spannaus, The American Almanac,
Colbert's Bequest To The Founding Fathers, by Anton Chaitkin,
Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
Colonial Precursors of Hamilton, assembled by Graham Lowry,
Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
What Is The "General Welfare"?, by Edward Spannaus, The American Almanac, May 15, 2000.
American Prometheus: Who Made the US A Great Power?, by Anton Chaitkin, Printed in New
Solidarity Newspaper, 1986.
- The Franklin School Starts Modern England, by Anton
Chaitkin. Published in The American Almanac, May 1, 1997.
- The Chinese Model for American Canals -- Robert Fulton, by Anton
Chaitkin, printed in The American Almanac, December, 1989.
- Alexander Hamilton
- Writings by Alexander Hamilton:
, The Executive Intelligence Review, January 3,
Hamilton's Final Years: The Christian Constitutional Society, by
Donald Phau, The Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
Eulogy for Hamilton -- Commending attacks on Adam Smith,
printed in the Albany Sentinel, 1804.
Henry Carey
Henry Carey Ripped Britain's "Free Trade" Looting System, excerpts
from The Harmony of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Commercial, 1851,
The Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
America Was Built by Dumping Britain's Doctrine of Free Trade, by
Anthony K. Wikrent, The American Almanac, February 5, 1996.
Henry Carey and William McKinley -- The American System vs.
British Free Trade, by Marcia Merry-Baker and Anton Chaitkin, 1995.
- Links to: Excerpts of Writings by Henry Carey
Henry Clay
Henry Clay: "In Defense of the American System and Against the British
Colonial System", excerpts of a speech delivered February 2, 3, and 6, 1832.
- Henry Clay's Warhawks Win A Victory Over British Terrorism,
by Anton Chaitkin, printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 8,
- Henry Clay and the War of 1812, by Frederic W. Henderson.
Published in The American Almanac, August, 1989.
Abraham Lincoln
"Discoveries and Inventions", Abraham Lincoln's Favorite Speech
of the 1860 Presidential Campaign, Executive Intelligence Review, January 3,
The Lincoln Revolution, a series by Anton Chaitkin, 1986:
How Abraham Lincoln Mobilized The Economy for War and Peace,
by Anton Chaitkin. Published in The American Almanac, May, 1997.
The Lessons of Abraham Lincoln, Conference Speech by Rochelle
Ascher, The American Almanac, September, 1992.
- Leave this site for: Why The British Killed Lincoln, by Rochelle Ascher, The American
Almanac, In Three Parts: October 12, October 19, and November 2, 1992.
The U.S.-Russian Entente That Saved The Union, by Konstantin
George, The American Almanac, August 3, 1992.
Frederick Douglass: Oration In Memory of Abraham Lincoln,
Delivered At The Unveiling of the Freedmen's Monument in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, In Lincoln
Park, Washington, DC, April 14, 1876.
- Leave this site for: Lincoln's Speeches and
Writings, available from Abraham Lincoln Online
Frederick Douglass
- Frederick Douglass and the Lincoln Tradition, by Denise
Henderson, The American Almanac, June 8, 1992.
- Frederick Douglass Attacks "Free Trade", An Editorial
by Frederick Douglass, printed in The New National Era, August 17, 1871. Reprinted in
The New
Federalist, January, 1998.
- Frederick Douglass: Oration In Memory of Abraham Lincoln,
Delivered At The Unveiling of the Freedmen's Monument in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, In Lincoln
Park, Washington, DC, April 14, 1876.
- Frederick Douglass: Friendly Word To Maryland, An Address
Delivered in Baltimore, Maryland on 17 November, 1864.
- Links to other Speeches and Articles by Frederick Douglass
How The Founding Fathers Fought For An End To Slavery,
Denise and Frederic Henderson, The American Almanac, March 15, 1993.
General O. O. Howard's Fight for Education of the Freedmen,
by Denise Henderson, The American Almanac, February 15, 1993.-
Leave This Website For Link To: "The Freedmen's Bureau", by W. E.
B. Dubois. Published in The Atlantic Monthly,
NY, 1901, Vol. 87. E-text link at the University of Virginia Electronic Text Center.
Thaddeus Stevens: "Free Trade" Is For Barbarian Tribes -- A
Speech Given During Tariff Debates in 1852, Executive Intelligence Review, January 3,
President Garfield and the Pythagorean Theorem, a book review
by Suzanne Klebe, The Executive Intelligence Review, February, 1995.
The Mission of America's Military Nation Builders: Global
Development, by Graham and Pam Lowry. Published in The American Almanac,
A Project To Develop American Infrastructure, from the Revolution to
Civil War, compiled by Pamela Lowry, Executive Intelligence Review, January 3,
Return to Overview
- Book available, as listed in Books and Publications: Friedrich List:
Notes On the American System.
Friedrich List and The Program for Europe Today, by Anton Chaitkin.
Printed in The
Executive Intelligence Review, December, 1989.
- The Legacy of List's "National System of Political Economy",
by Lawrence Freeman and Marsha Bowen, The Executive Intelligence Review, January 3,
Friedrich List and the 'American System of Economy', Adapted
Friedrich List: Outlines of American Political Economy in Twelve Letters to Charles J. Ingersoll,
Commentary, by Michael Liebig, The American Almanac, April 14, 1997.
List and Ireland: What Is Sinn Fein? The American System vs. British
Geopolitics in
by Paul Gallagher, January 9, 1995.
- Leave this site for: The National System of
Political Economy, by Friedrich List. Available at
Return to Overview
The U.S.-Russian Entente That Saved The Union, by Konstantin
George, The American Almanac, August 3, 1992.
The Fight To Bring the American System to 19th-Century Russia, by
Rachel Douglas and Barbara Frazier, The Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
Demitri I. Mendeleyev: Scientist-Statesman Fought British "Free
Trade" in Russia -- Excerpts from 1891 Tariff Report by Barbara Frazier, The
Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
The Case of Mendeleyev: LaRouche's Method and the Physical Sciences --
Dmitri Mendeleyev and the Discovery of the Periodic Law, by Jonathan Tennenbaum, The
American Almanac, February 19, 1994.
Sergei Witte: The Fight For Russian Industry -- Excerpts From
"Lectures on Political Economy and State Finance", 1891, translated by William
Jones, The Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
Witte: Tariff Helped Build Our Industry -- from The Memoirs of Count
Witte, translated by Sidney Harcave, The Executive Intelligence Review, January
3, 1992.
General Lebed Shakes the
Press, EIR Editorial by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., January 18, 1997, on the occasion of
Lebed's reference to Count Sergei Witte's policy of reconstruction for Russia, and plan to battle
economic warfare. Published in The American Almanac. Text
available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
Return to Overview
Erasmus Peshine Smith: "Man Is Lord Of Nature", Extract from
A Manual Of Political Economy, 1853, The Executive Intelligence Review,
January 3, 1992.
Hamilton's Ghost Haunts Washington From Tokyo: Excerpts from Leaders of
the Mejei Restoration, by Kathy Wolfe,
The Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
How Henry Carey And The American Nationalists Built The Modern
World, by Anton Chaitkin, The American Almanac, May, 1997.
Hamilton Influenced Sun Yat-sen's Founding Of The Chinese Republic,
by Michael O. Billington, The Executive Intelligence Review, January 3, 1992.
Return to Overview
Leibniz, Not Locke, Inspired the Declaration of
by Philip Valenti, The American Almanac, July 7, 1997.
- Emmerich de Vattel and the Founding Fathers, section
of Helga LaRouche's Conference Presentation, see above: "It Is The Poets Who Shape History--
The Internal Crisis of Modern
European Culture: The Renaissance vs. The Enlightenment", Conference Speech, Helga Zepp-
LaRouche, The American Almanac, March 24, 1997. For a longer work on Vattel, read: Fidelio, Spring 1997 issue, "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Happiness: How the Natural Law Concept of G. W. Leibniz Inspired America's Founding
Fathers", by Robert Trout.
Return to Overview
Return to Overview
Britain's Plot To Destroy Civilization: The New Dark Ages Conspiracy,
Excerpts from the Book by Carol White, The American Almanac, June 20, 1994.
- Gabriel Hanotaux, the Dreyfus Affair, and How London Orchestrated
the Destruction of the Franco-German Alliance, by Dana Scanlon, The American Almanac,
July, 1991.
- The Versailles Thesis: The Roots of WWI, and WWII, Conference
Speech by Webster Tarpley, Schiller Institute Food For Peace Conference, Chicago, Illinois, February
22, 1992.
- Sir Edward Grey Turned Sarajevo Crisis Into War, by Webster
Tarpley, The American Almanac, March, 1995.
- King Edward VII: Evil Demiurge of World War I, by Webster
Tarpley, The American Almanac, May 8, 1995.
- "The Lamps Are Going Out All Over Europe", a book review
of Raymond Massey's Dreadnought: Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War,
by Stuary Rosenblatt, printed in the Executive Intelligence Review, October, 1992.
- The "War Guilt Clause" of the Versailles Treaty, by
Webster Tarpley, The American Almanac, 1995.
Return to Overview
- The Threat of Fascism Today, Starting With London's Newt Gingrich
- or, Defeating the Newt Fascism, by Nancy Spannaus. Schiller Institute Conference speech,
September, 1995. Printed in The American Almanac, November, 1995.
The Conservative Revolution and Education Cuts -- British Lord Repeats
the Policy -- Only Educate the Top 5%, by Nancy Spannaus, The New Federalist,
September 25,
- The Fascist Legal Theories of The Conservative Revolution, by
Edward Spannaus, Address to the Schiller Institute Conference, September 3, 1995, printed in The
American Almanac, September 25, 1995.
- The Legacy of Friedrich von Hayek: Fascism Didn't Die With
Hitler, by R. Freeman and J. Steinberg, The American Almanac, September 25,
The Mandeville Model for Fascism, by H. Graham Lowry,
The SAmerican Almanac, September 18, 1995.
- Eugenics and Population Control -- The 1935 Nazi World Population
Conference, and the 1994 UN Cairo Conference -- More of the Same, by Gabriele Liebig, The
American Almanac, 1994.
- Leave This Site For: Chapters from George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster
Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, published by The Executive Intelligence Review, 1992, serialized
in The American Almanac, 1992, beginning Vol. V, #39.
Chapter II: The Hitler Project -- The Bushes and
the "Trading With The Enemy Act" (HTML Version)
Chapter III: Race Hygiene -- 3 Bush Family
Alliances (HTML Version)
Chapter X: Rubbers Goes To Congress (HTML
Table of Contents For All
Chapters -- (HTML Version)
Richard Mellon Scaife: Who Is He Really?, Published in The
Executive Intelligence Review, a series beginning March 21, 1997, by Edward Spannaus.
Return to Overview
The Other War; FDR's Battle Against Churchill and the British
Empire, by Lonnie Wolfe, The American Almanac, August 28, 1995.
- Roosevelt's "Grand Strategy" To Rid The World Of British
Colonialism: 1941-1945, by Lawrence K. Freeman, The American Almanac, July 14,
- FDR vs. Wall Street: Morgan's Fascist Plot Against the United States, And How It Was Defeated,by
L. Wolfe
- Part I, The American Almanac, July 4, 1994
- Part II, The American Almanac, July 11, 1994
- Part III, The American Almanac, July 18, 1994
- Part IV, The American Almanac, July 25, 1994
- Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address, made March 4, 1933. Printed
in The American Almanac, April 21, 1997.
- Leave this site for: How The Harriman Gang Started The Cold War,
by Webster Tarpley, The American Almanac, November 13, 1995.
Leave this site for: Britain's Pacific War Against The U.S. In The Age of the
Anglo-American "Special Relationship", by Webster Tarpley, The Executive
Intelligence Review, May 12, 1995.
Return to Overview
The Assault Against the American Presidency:
- LaRouche Declares War on "Get Clinton" Mob,
Published in The New Federalist Newspaper, January 31, 1998.
- The Bush Gang Suspected in New Assault on Presidency,
Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- LaRouche Speaks Out On Assault on President, Published in
The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- The British Oligarchy Moves To Oust President Clinton, Published
in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- Timeline: The Assault on the Presidency, Published in The
Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- President Seeks To Expedite Jones Trial, Published in The
Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- Hillary Clinton Comes Out Swinging, Published in The
Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- Carville Tackles The Post, Published in The Executive
Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- Europeans Smell A Rat In Attack on Clinton, Published in The
Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- Arabs View Netanyahu's "Bad Tripp" Results,
Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- The Wall Street Journal's Hate Propaganda vs. Clinton,
LaRouche, Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- The Wall Street Journal: Tool of Destruction, Published
in The Executive Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- The Witches of Whitewater, Goldberg and Tripp, Published in
The Executive
Intelligence Review, February 6, 1998.
- Richard Mellon Scaife: Who Is He Really?, Published in The
Executive Intelligence Review, a series beginning March 21, 1997, by Edward Spannaus.
- Who
Controls Africa's Minerals?, The American Almanac, 1997.
- The Sun Never Sets on the New British Empire.
Know Your Enemy, by Lyndon LaRouche, The American
Almanac, August 25, 1997.
- The Largest Empire In The History of the World, by Jeffrey
Steinberg, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997.
- The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor,
by Scott Thompson, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997.
- The Queen's Powers: They're Real,
by Allen Douglas, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997.
- Her Majesty's Prerogative Powers, by Scott Thompson, The
American Almanac, August 25, 1997.
- The Crown Jewels -- The Queen Is the Ultimate Insider Trader, by
Scott Thompson, The American Almanac, August 25, 1997.
- Britain's Invisible Empire Unleashes The Dogs of War, by Jeffrey
Steinberg, The Executive Intelligence Review, March, 1997.
- Mubarak Slams London for Harboring Terrorist Groups, by Joseph
Brewda, The Executive Intelligence Review, December, 1997.
Return to Overview
- Africa's Crisis from the Vantage
Point of Universal History, Speech by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., April 26, 1997. Published in
The American Almanac. Text available by leaving this Website
for the EIR web
- Africa: Looting Ground for Bush, Inc, or Bread
Basket for the World, Speech by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., January 11, 1997. Published in The
American Almanac. Text available by leaving this Website for the
EIR web page.
Why The British Hate Sudan: The Mahdia's War Against London, by
Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, The American Almanac, September 4, 1995.
Return to Overview
- Books available, as listed in Books and Publications: The
Holes In The Ozone Scare; The Hoax of Global
Sir William Petty and British "Population Studies"-- How
the Malthusians Depopulated Ireland, by Paul Gallagher, The American Almanac, January
Giammaria Ortes and the Venetian Hoax of "Carrying
Capacity", by Webster Tarpley, American Almanac, June 20, 1994.
- Excerpts from The Holes In the Ozone Hole -- The Scientific Evidence
That the Sky Isn't Falling, by Rogelio Maduro, published in The American Almanac,
- Has A New Ice Age Already Begun? Why "Global Warming"
Is A Scientific Hoax, by Laurence Hecht, The American Almanac, October 13, 1997.
- An Oceanographer Looks At the Non-Science Of Global
Warming by Robert E. Stevenson, Ph.D., The American Almanac, October 27, 1997.
- Leave this site for: Popular
Misconceptions About Science: Science Is Not Statistics, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., The
American Almanac, November 3, 1997.
- EIR Feature: "Tinny" Blair Blares For Prince Philip's Global Eco-Fascism, July 18,
- "Tinny" Blair Blares for Prince Philip's Global
Eco-Fascism, by Jeffrey Steinberg, The Executive Intelligence Review, July 18,
- Blair Delivers Gaseous Emission at UN Summit, quotes from
Prime Minsiter Tony Blair's Speech on June 23 at the United Nations Earth Summit II in New York,
The Executive Intelligence Review, July 18, 1997.
- How The Green Fascist Movement Was Created, The Executive
Intelligence Review, July 18, 1997.
- Pince Philip's Malthusians Launch New Age Killer Cults, by Mark
Burdman and Roger Moore, The Executive Intelligence Review, July 18, 1997.
- Ugandan Mass-Murderer Chairs "2020 Vision", by
Marsha Merry Baker and Joseph Brewda The Executive Intelligence Review, July 18,
- British Empire Pushes Treaty After Treaty, The Executive
Intelligence Review, July 18, 1997.
- The African Wildlife Foundation: A Study In British
Counterinsurgency, The Executive Intelligence Review, July 18, 1997.
- We Need To "Cull" The Surplus Population, Prince Philip,
in his own words. Printed in The American Almanac, August 25, 1997.
- Eugenics and Population Control -- The 1935 Nazi World Population
Conference, and the 1994 UN Cairo Conference -- More of the Same, by Gabriele Liebig, The
American Almanac, 1994.
- What The Malthusians Say, quotes from prominent proponents
of population control, The American Alamanac, 1994.
- The Fall Of The House of Windsor -- Prince Philip and the World Wild
Life Fund -- Script for Slide Show, 1994.
- Leave This Site For: Chapter from George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster
Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, published by The Executive Intelligence Review, 1992, serialized
in The American Almanac, 1992, beginning Vol. V, #39.
- Leave this site for: On the Subject
of Evolution: The Descent to Bush From Man, by Lyndon LaRouche, November 6, 1996.
- Leave this site for: Jonathan Swift's
Attack On the Malthusians: A Modest Proposal.
Return to Overview
A Lesson In Physical Economy: How New York's Slumlords
Created A Financial Bubble, by Paul Gallagher, American Almanac, February 13,
Pamphlet: Tax Derivatives Speculation, Pop The Financial Bubble, Rebuild
the World Economy, 1992.
- How To Bring the Cancerous Derivatives Markets Under Control,
Christopher White, The American Almanac, September 6, 1993.
FDR-PAC Calls for Expanding
Movement to Tax Securities Transfers, Press Release by the FDR-PAC, February 7, 1997. Published
in The American Almanac. Text available by leaving this Website
for the EIR web
- Derivatives Threaten Shaky World Financial System, by Richard
Freeman, printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, November, 1997.
Return to Overview
The Chinese Opium Wars: The Queen of England Pushes Dope, by
Robert Trout, American Almanac, July, 1997.
The Taiping Rebellion: The International Diplomacy Of The Confederacy,
by Michael O. Billington, The American Almanac, June 14, 1993.
- George Bush's
Force": Foreword to the EIR Special Report, Would a President Bob Dole
Prosecute Drug Kingpin George Bush, September 13, 1996. Published in The American
Almanac on . Text of Foreword available by leaving this Website
for the EIR web
George Bush and the
"Ibykus Principle": Foreword to the EIR Special Report, George
Bush and the 12333 Serial Murder Ring, October 15, 1996. Published in The American
Almanac on . Text of Foreword available by leaving this Website
for the EIR web
- Leave This Site For: Chapters from George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography, by Webster
Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, published by The Executive Intelligence Review, 1992, serialized
in The American Almanac, 1992, beginning Vol. V, #39.
Defeat Ollie North, That Son-Of-A-Bush, released by Nancy Spannaus in a follow-up to her
Senate Campaign, Summer, 1994. Chapters include North's involvement in running drugs for guns
during the Contra operation, and quotes from the Kerry Committee report.
- Books available, as listed in Books and Publications: (1) Dope,
Incorporated; (2) Drug Super Kingpin, George Bush;
(3) George Bush and the 12333 Serial Murder Ring
Return to Overview
- Why the "Asian Tiger" Economic Miracle Is An
Species, by Gail Billington, The American Almanac, April 7, 1997.
- The Challenges and Opportunities We Face, by Dr. Mahathir Bin
Mohamad, speech to the Annual Meeting of the World Bank in Hongkong, China, on September 20,
1997, The Executive Intelligence Review, October 3, 1997.
- George Soros to Mahathir: "I Am Not A Moron", from
prepared text of the speech by George Soros at the IMF-World Bank Meeting in Hongkong, September
21, 1997, Executive Intelligence Review October 3, 1997.
Return to Overview
- The Media Cartel That Controls What You Think, by L. Wolfe,
The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997.
- The Cartelization of the Media, by Jeffrey Steinberg, The
American Almanac,, May 5, 1997.
Direct British Control of the U.S. Media, The American
Almanac,, May 5, 1997.
- Brainwashing: How The British Use the Media For Mass Psychological
Warfare, by L. Wolfe, The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997.
British "Fellow Travellers" Control Major U.S. Media, by
Jeffrey Steinberg, The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997.
Tavistock's Language Project: The Origin of "Newspeak",
The American Almanac,, May 5, 1997.
For Whom The Polls Toll, by L. Wolfe, The American
Almanac,, May 5, 1997.
- Leave this site for: Who Is Wagging Your
Neighbor's Tongue? Militias and Pentecostalism As British Subversion, by Anton Chaitkin,
The American Almanac, September 29, 1997.
- The Evil Philosophy of Political Correctness, by Michael Minnicino,
The American Almanac, February, 1993.
- Leave this site for: Rant Radio
Promotes The Politics of Rage To Brainwash American Citizens, by Douglas Mallouk. Printed in
The Executive Intelligence Review, 1992.
- Leave this site for: Turn Off Your TV: The Making
of a Fascist Society, by L. Wolfe, a series run in The American Almanac, 1992-3. This
link will take you to EText LaRouche Subdirectory by John Covici. Link from there into series
of tv.02 to tv.13 for text versions.
Return to Overview
Seeds Of A New Renaissance -- The Three Levels Of Mathematics, by
Jonathan Tennenbaum, printed in The American Almanac, November 8, 1993.
- The Fraud of the Inverse Square Law, by Hunter Cobb, The American
April 7, 1997.
Mind Over Mathematics Series, including exercises in paradoxes, from
Gauss, Kepler, DaVinci, Leibniz, and others.
- Mind Over Mathematics: Higher Arithmetic -- Calendar, Part II --
How Gauss Determined The
Date of His Birth, Conference Presentation by Bruce Director, The American Almanac,
April 7, 1997.
Return to Overview
Leave this site for:
EIR Talks -- Text of Weekly Radio Interview With Lyndon LaRouche.
How To Overcome Errors in Economics, a discussion of
LaRouche's book So You Wish To Learn All About Economics, by Professor Taras V.
Muravinsky, printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, 1992.
- What Is Economic Infrastructure?, by Lyndon LaRouche.
- How The SDI Was Created: The LaRouche Method and New Physical
Principles, Conference Speech by Jonathan Tennenbaum. Printed in The American
Almanac, May 17, 1993.
Return to the Machine Tool
Principle, EIR Article by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., January 22, 1997. Speech available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
Your Time Is Running Out,
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Executive Intelligence Review, June 5, 1997. Text available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
War on the
British, or, How to Save the Economy, LaRouche's First Presidential Campaign 2000 Speech, July
23, 1997, Published in The American Almanac, July, 1997. Speech
available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
The Alternative
to Neo-Liberalism: The LaRouche-Riemann Method, Speech by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in
Guadalajara, Mexico, September 18, 1997. Speech available by leaving
this Website for the EIR web page.
It Is Now Nine Years Later, Lyndon
H. LaRouche, Jr., printed in The American Almanac, October, 1997. Text available by leaving
this Website for the EIR web page.
How To Survive A Financial Meltdown:
Greenspan Fails to Lull Markets, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Executive Intelligence
Review, November, 1997. Text available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
Clinton Must Convene A New
Bretton Woods Conference, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Conference Speech, February 15, 1997. Text available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
What Economics Must Measure, by
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Executive Intelligence
Review, November 28, 1997. Text available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
So, The Mountain Will Come To
Clinton, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Executive Intelligence
Review, November 28, 1997. Text available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
IMF Demands Weimar Style
Hyperinflation, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Executive Intelligence
Review, December 4, 1997. Text available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
Leave this site for: Text Version of Lyndon LaRouche's 1992 Presidential Campaign Book,
The LaRouche Program to Save America, available at EText.
Return to Overview
On The Battle For A "True Fourth Development Decade",
Speech to the Schiller Institute Conference, Warren Hamerman, December 7-8, 1991, reprinted in
The American Almanac, November 28, 1994.
- Water Projects: No More Floods! Build the Missouri River Development
Project, by Anthony DeFranco, The American Almanac, June, 1994.
- An Outline of the Productive Triangle, by Ralf Schauerhammer,
The American Almanac, 1993.
- Where Do We Get The Money To Pay For Great Infrastructure
Projects, Speech at Schiller Institute Conference, November 23, 1991. Printed in The
American Almanac, January, 1992.
- The Oasis Plan: Peace Through Development in the Middle East,
The American Almanac.
- The Transaqua Project: Water Development in Africa, The
American Almanac, November, 1997.
- The Potential of the Nile River Basin, and the Economic Development of
Sudan, by Marcia Merry Baker, The American Almanac, 1997.
- Mubarak: Toshka Project Opens Way Toward New Civilization in
Egypt, by Marcia Merry Baker, printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, December,
- Libya Turns on the Great Man-Made River, by Marcia Merry, printed
in The Executive Intelligence Review, September, 1991.
- The Eurasian Landbridge:
- Script for Slide Show: The Eurasian Landbridge Projects, available
The Executive Intelligence Review, 1995.
- Ring Around China: Britain
Wants War, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Published in The Executive Intelligence Review
on November 11, 1996. Text
available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
- The Eurasian
Landbridge -- The
Most Important Strategic Question of the Day, Speech Transcript by Helga Zepp LaRouche,
February 5, 1997. Published in The American Almanac on . Speech available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
The Eurasian Land-Bridge:
Locomotive for World Development, FDR-PAC Policy Speech by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., February
5, 1997. Published in The American Almanac on . Speech
available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
The USA-China Strategy,
FDR-PAC Policy Speech by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Published in The Executive Intelligence
Review on April 9, 1997 . Text
available by leaving this Website for the EIR web page.
Moles Seek To Wreck USA-China
"Summit", Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., printed in The Executive Intelligence
Review, October 10, 1997. Text available by leaving
this Website for the EIR web page.
US-China Partnership Hastening
Slowly, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., printed in The American Almanac, November, 1997.
Text available by leaving
this Website for the EIR web page.
- Russia's Science: A Strategic Assessment, by Lyndon LaRouche, July
20, 1997.
- Helga Zepp LaRouche Speaks at Nigerian Economic Summit: "The
Success of the Chinese Economic Reform, and Its Significance for Nigeria -- Africa's Secret Weapon for
Peace!", printed in The Executive Intelligence Review, November, 1997.
Return to Overview
- Book available, as listed in Books and Publications: How We Got
To The Moon
A Manned Mission to Space: The Ultimate Money Frontier, A Policy Statement by
Lyndon LaRouche, February 5, 1996.
- Columbus, Cold Fusion, and the New Age of Discovery, by
Jonathan Tennenbaum, The American Almanac, May 1992.
- Mag-Lev Trains Will Allow Us To Fly At Zero Altitude, by Ralf
Schauerhammer, The Executive Intelligence Review, 1991.
- The Science Behind Maglev, by Richard Freeman, The
American Almanac, 1993.
- Build Maglev -- Restore the US Transportation Grid, The
American Almanac, 1993.
- Leave this site for link to: Nuclear Reaction:
Why Do Americans
Fear Nuclear Energy, Transcript of A Broadcast by Frontline, shown April 22, 1997.
- Leave this site for
Chapters from LaRouche's Program To Save The Nation, published in 1992 as part of Lyndon
LaRouche's Presidential Campaign. Text available from EText:Chapter 4: Maglev: The Technology of the
21st Century
Chapter 5: Nuclear Fission: Bridge to Fusion
Chapter 11: Frontier in Space: LaRouche's
Moon-Mars Program
Return to Overview
Hammer and Anvil: Sherman and the Principle of the Flank,
by Stu Rosenblatt, American Almanac, March, 1997.
Lazare Carnot, Organizer of Victory -- How The "Calculus of
Enthusiasm" Saved France, by Pierre Beaudry, The American Almanac, July 21,
Lazare Carnot's Grand Strategy for Political Victory, by Dino
de Paoli, The Executive Intelligence Review, September 20, 1996.
The Field of Battle Is The Human Mind: The Lessons of Xenophon and
Alexander, by Kevin Pearl, The American Almanac, May 12, 1997.
Return to Overview
Exonerate LaRouche
- Leave this site for:
Has Your Neighbor Been Brainwashed About
Lyndon LaRouche?
- Text of the McDade-Murtha Bill, HR 3396, "The Citizens Protection Act
of 1998"
- Editorial: Take Off The Gloves For McDade-Murtha, by Debra
Freeman. Published in The Executive Intelligence Review, July, 1998.
- Testimony of the Schiller Institute to the Committee on the Judiciary,
U.S. Senate, July 13, 1998 -- including response to Janet Reno's attack on the McDade-Murtha
- The Strange Case of J. Edgar Hoover, by Edward Spannaus. The American Almanac, September, 2000.
Return to Overview
Composing Music From Bel Canto -- For a Musical Civil Rights Movement
- Every Child Has The Right To Sing, by Kathy Wolfe, The American Almanac,
That Which Underlies Motivic Thorough-Composition -- Musical
Memory and Thorough-Composition, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. Published in The Executive
Intelligence Review, September 1, 1995.
- The African-American Spiritual And The Resurrection of Classical
Art -- Not Force, But Beauty, Will Change America, by Dennis Speed, October 9,
- Anton Dvorak and the Fight For American Musical Culture, by
Dennis Speed, The American Almanac, 1993.
- The Battle Mozart Won In America's War With Britain, by David
Shavin, The Executive Intelligence Review, September 6, 1991.
- On His 200th Birthday -- Franz Schubert: Striving For The Highest In
Art, by Stephan Marienfeld, translated by Paul Gallagher, The American
Almanac, November 10, 1997.
- Heinrich Heine: Only Genius Has A New Word For A New Thought,
by Elisabeth Hellenbroich, translated by Rick Sanders, The American Almanac,
December 8 and 15, 1997.
- The Power of Great Poetry To Shape Character And Build the Nation:
Dante, Humboldt, and Helen Keller, by Muriel Mirak-Weissbach. Conference Speech, Schiller
Institute Conference, February 18-19, 1996. Printed in Fidelio Magazine, Summer, 1996.
- Leave This Site For Link to:
- Wilhelm von Humboldt's Classical Education Curriculum, by
Marianna Wertz. The American Almanac, March 15, 1993.
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